The first menu is the Project menu, this is
the main menu.
See some general information on Voodoo-X itself.
About MUI...
This gives you some information on the currently installed
version of MUI.
About versions...
Use this menu item to gain access to the version information
of the currently loaded external systems.
Open the settings window.
XAD client information...
XAD is the system used by Voodoo-X to decompress archives.
Since XAD is modular you may need to view information on
each of the currently installed XAD client modules. Each of
these clients handles a particular file format (like LHA,
LZX, DMS, ADF, etc.).
This menu item allows you to view information on each client.
To see a picture of the XAD client window, click on the
thumbnail image below:
Settings MUI...
This allows you to configure the local MUI settings for
Using this, you can quickly hide the GUI from view.
Need I state the obvious? :-)
The second menu is the Archive menu, this
menu allows you to manipulate the currently loaded archive(s).
Selecting this menu item allows you to open one or more
archives for browsing. A multiselect file requester will be
opened, after you have selected the archives you want to
load, a progress window will be displayed and each archive
will be added to the history list.
To browse the archives you've just loaded, press the history
list popup button in the main window.
Selecting this will close the currently loaded archive,
freeing some memory resources and unlocking it. if you have
more than one archive loaded, then the contents of the next
archive will be displayed.
Copy to...
Sometimes it can be handy to make a copy of an archive. When
triggered, this menu item will open a destination file
requester. From here you can select a desination file,
Voodoo-X will then copy the currently selected archive to
this new destination.
Move to...
This is similar to the Copy to... menuitem,
but the original archive is deleted after copying. Voodoo-X
needs to rescan the archive after it has been moved to it's
new location.
Delete from disk...
Extracted all of the file you need out of the archive and
don't need it anymore? If this is the case, then you can
delete the unneeded archive using this menu item.
This feature is especially useful for "download"
directories, because you can quickly get rid of an archive
after you've obtained it's contents.
Select all
Select all of the entries in the currently loaded archive.
Select none
Clear all of the selected entries in the currently loaded
Select pattern...
This opens up a small window which gives you more control
over file selection, using AmigaDOS wildcards. The window
looks like this:
The Select Pattern button will tell Voodoo-X
to select each entry, depending on the contents of the
Pattern string gadget.
Clear all is provided for convenience.
Pressing it will clear all of the currently selected entries.
Extract selected...
Selecting this will extract all of the selected entries to the
destination drawer.
Extract all
This is the same as Extract selected..., but
instead allows you to quickly extract all
entries to the selected destination drawer.
Clear archive history...
If you're getting a bit low on memory you can call this. It
will clear the archive history list. It will also unlock all
of the loaded archives, allowing you to delete them with
another external tool, like a file manager.
The currently loaded archive will remain loaded.
Check for viruses
When activated, this handy feature will check every file in
the archive for viruses. It will throw up a warning requester
if it finds any.
For this feature to work, you need xvs.library installed.
See the Requirements section for
more information.
Click on the thumbnail image below to see an example of the
virus checking progress window.